
Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

Gas Cutting

Gas Cutting

  1. Ferrous metal is heated in to red hot condition and a jet of pure oxygen is projected onto the surface, which rapidly oxidizes
  2. Oxides having lower melting point than the metal, melt and are blown away by the force of the jet, to make a cut
  3. Fast and efficient method of cutting steel to a high degree of accuracy
  4. Torch is different from welding
  5. Cutting torch has preheat orifice and one central orifice for oxygen jet
  6. PIERCING and GOUGING are two important operations
  7. Piercing, used to cut a hole at the centre of the plate or away from the edge of the plate
  8. Gouging, to cut a groove into the steel surface

 Manual Gas Cutting

Automatic Gas Cutting

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